Wayne County Community College District is proud to participate in TRIO-Student Support Services. TRIO-SSS is a federally funded grant program through the United States Department of Education created to serve eligible low-income, first-generation and disabled students.

Thank you for your interest in our TRIO-Student Support Services program!  Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.  You cannot save and restart this application. If you have any questions, please call our office at (313) 496-2634 or email triostudentsupport@mail.wcccd.edu. 

**[i - Click for more information]

General Information:  (i)
Student ID: *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Middle Name:
Gender: *
Date of Birth (MMDDYYY): *
Address: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Social Security Number *
Home Phone:
Cell Phone Number: *
WCCCD Email Address: *

Demographics:   (i)

Please select all the ethnicities which you identify with below:

Hispanic: *
American Indian or Alaskan Native: *
Asian: *
Black or African American: *
White: *
Hawaiian or other Native to Pacific Island: *

Eligibility: (i)
Parents Educational Level: *
US Citizen: *
Permanent Resident (A-Number):
Do you have a college degree? *
If yes, what Is it?
Have you served in the U.S. military for 181 days or more? *
Do you have a disability? *
If yes, have you submitted documentation of your disability with Disability Support Services?

Financial Information: (i)
How many people in your household at home? *
Family Income Range: *

Academic Info: (i)
Program enrolled at WCCCD: *
Academic Need *
Current Grade Level: *
Total Number of credits enrolled for the current academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer=Total)? *
How's your academic standing? *
Current GPA: *
Did you/or will you apply for Financial Aid? *
Are you receiving Financial Aid? *
What is your future educational goal? *

High School/GED Info:
Where did you attend High School/GED? *
Did you graduate? *
If yes, Date Received? (MMDDYYY)

Sign and Submit:

Terms of Submission

  • I, hereby give permission for the Wayne County Community College District TRIO-SSS Program to obtain all of my previous academic records (college transcripts, test scores, progress reports, teacher evaluations, etc.) and all future college transcripts and records.
  • I understand that these records will be kept confidential and only be used internally by the TRIO-SSS program on an individual basis.
  • I also understand that cohort data may be compiled and aggregated for inclusion as part of TRIO-SSS Annual Performance Reports, program evaluations, and related uses.
  • I, hereby give permission for the WCCCD TRIO-SSS Program to obtain all of my previous Financial Aid documentation (FAFSA, IRS Returns, Financial Aid Forms, etc.) and all future Financial Aid documents and records.
  • I, hereby give permission to the Wayne County Community College District TRIO-SSS Program to utilize my picture as part of my participation in the program.
  • I understand that this picture may be published and used in all types of public relations-related activities in which the TRIO-SSS program may be involved.
  • I understand that my picture may be published along with any related information about myself that is appropriate to the activity. 

By submitting this application, you acknowledge that all of the terms and above information is correct and accurate to the best of your understanding.

Applicant Signature *
Signature Type: Simple    Start Over
Click here to start signing.
  • Pencil
  • Reset
Signature: (Type in your full name)
I agree to the terms included.

WCCCD      TRIO-SSS    Financial Aid